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Wednesday, January 7, 2015

What's in your planner?

I always like to start my year off by setting goals for the year and for each month.  I would definitely say I am a "planner."  For years I have been a faithful Erin Condren Life Planner user (click the link to get $10 off your first order); however, this year I made the switch to the Plum Paper Planner.  I love it but I am currently looking at different planners to use next go-round that will fit my needs a little better.  Having so many things to keep track of on any given day makes fitting it all into the small space provided quite difficult. Any suggestions would be appreciated.

My planner has always been used in a very simple manner. I religiously use Papermate Flair pens.  Each day I use a specific color all day long.  No matter what I am doing I write with ONLY that pen.  Sydney tells me I'm a freak about it but it's what works for me.  Once I found fellow Erin Condren lovers on facebook, I was introduced to a magical thing called washi tape.  There are so many great uses for it.  I use glitter washi tape to mark the days of the week and weekends we have Jadyn.  I use other washi tape to mark birthday parties, events, and Hudson's milestones.  If you check out the fb group I linked you will see so many amazing planners.  I just don't have the time or desire to decorate the way these ladies do but I think they look fabulous.

That fb group introduced me to a wonderful little thing: the Xyron sticker maker.  Basically I can make any ticket stub, note, or any special paper I want to place in my planner into a sticker.  I have an 8 year old so my Xyron gets used for so many different things and I love it. The one I have pictured is 1.5in wide.  They make larger ones so you can get one to fit your needs.

If you are like me and have a daily routine then Organized Stickers are the way to go.  I used to make my own print outs of my routine with a little box I could mark off.  It was a lot of work and it never looked the way I wanted.  Last year around this time I discovered this Etsy shop via We Love EC. I use a full page checklist for my daily routine now that I am a stay at home mom with a million household things to do in a day. But I love the routine stickers Jennifer creates that I have pictured here. I also love her stickers that keep track of runs.

Any planner accessories I don't know about that you would suggest?  I am always open to new things that will make my life easier or prettier!


Monday, November 10, 2014


I'm linking up for Weekending today!

My weekend started on Friday.  Hudson and I were packed and on our way to my parents' house by noon.

As soon as we arrived Sydney and I headed out to feed the cows.  Naturally, I did all the slinging of the hay while she sat on the Kubota taking selfies and snapchatting photos of me doing the work.

I recently decided to take the plunge and take the CPT test.  I have talked about becoming a certified personal trainer for years.  I'm finally at a point in my life where I can take the time out of life to pour hours each day into studying.  Saturday was spent having pictures taken and studying for the test.

My dad was home for the weekend rather than working out of town so it was great for Hudson and I to get to spend time with him.

Sunday morning we went to church and the rest of the afternoon was spent relaxing and studying.

Now that I'm a stay at home mom the weeks and weekends all seem to run together but something about this weekend was very relaxing.


Monday, August 4, 2014

Healthy Eating!

About 6 years ago I discovered my love for the gym and healthy eating.  I have spent the majority of the last 6 years working out nearly every single day and trying to eat as healthy as possible.  When I found out I was pregnant with Hudson I made a decision to stop working out and to allow myself to eat whatever I wanted whenever I wanted it.  Having a baby was something I never thought was possible for me so I wanted to enjoy every single bit of it. People who don't know me well would have considered most of what I was consuming as still relatively healthy but to me and the people who knew me really well, I really enjoyed anything I wanted.

I am 6 1/2 months postpartum and I am finally easing back into workouts and becoming stricter on myself when it comes to eating.  I am still breastfeeding so I am not pushing myself into intense workouts just yet and I am not cutting calories.  Mainly, I am just trying to get my muscle definition back and trying to be more aware of what am I putting into my body again.

I love finding new recipes and trying new workouts.  This morning I made Berry Tacos from and they were delicious.

You need:
1 whole wheat pita (no added sugar)
2T Plain Greek Yogurt
1t honey
1/4 c raspberries

I cut the pita in half so I have 2 thin circles rather than 1 fluffy whole pita which is too much bread for me.  I threw the pita into a warm pan on the stove top and just kinda toasted it a bit.  Mix the yogurt and honey together and spread it on the pita.  Sprinkle on the berries and fold it in half.

Super quick, easy, delicious and healthy!

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

I am Saba for life!

As you can tell from my previous blog posts, I am a Saba distributor.  I love this company.  It has changed my life not only physically but financially.  I have always been a healthy eater and I work out often but Saba has made me healthier.  I am even more conscious of what I put into my body now.  I don't even know where to begin with how the company has helped me financially.  I made enough money retailing the products in the first 2 weeks of August last year to pay our down payment on our house. I was able to comfortably quit my job to stay home with my little nugget.  It has just been amazing.

Anyway, this weekend was our yearly 'I Showed Up Event' in Oklahoma City.  It was a 2 1/2 hour drive for us so we didn't have to travel far.  We had 2 days packed full of events, trainings, product releases, contests for money, and a car giveaway.

(Hudson with Clark Bartram)

At our big event on Saturday, the company released a product that is easily the best weight loss product we have ever offered.  Saba Trim Pro.  Ladies we knew from our upline tested it out and the results they shared were incredible.  15lbs in 18 days for one lady.  Instantly I knew that my business was going to blow up this week.

AND BOY DID IT!!  I have been to the post office dropping off boxes full of packages about 4 times and just sent Hubby out to drop off another box full.  Not only are my mom and I sold out of sample packs and bottles but so is the company!!  This is incredible.  I love ACE but the company NEVER sold out of it, not even once.  I easily have over 500 packs and 4 bottles sold out of my new shipment that is coming in!  I haven't been able to sleep because I have been so excited! As soon as Hudson falls asleep at night I am up out of bed throwing my labels on sample packs and printing shipping labels.

I love it!  I have gotten quite a few emails about ACE and the sports performance line in the last few months and all you have to do is e-mail me to order. If you need to lose a few (or 100) pounds email me and I will hook you up with a free sample to try.  $1 per capsule.  ACE, Xtreme 5000 and Saba Trim Pro all come in 2ct packs or 60ct bottles. I will sell any quantity requested (in 2s of course:)).

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Where has July gone?

I cannot believe that it is already July 15th. This month has gotten away from me and blogging has fallen to the wayside.

We started the first week of July by spending time with my sister who had finally moved back home after 11 months of living 2 hours away.  I won't even go into the toll her living that far away had taken on me over the last year.  I will just say I am so happy to have her around every day again.  

I searched high and low for patriotic - 4th of July outfits for baby girl.  Old Navy didn't even have anything.  They had a cute little red white and blue romper that just wasn't "Holiday" attire that I purchased anyway.  Even though Hudson wasn't very patriotic looking for our family 4th of July celebration she was still absolutely adorable in her gold and black outfit.

Back in December, my family traveled to Gatlinburg, TN for the Christmas in Smokies event for our business. - - At that point I was 8 months pregnant and my dad was desperate to buy the future little cowgirl any and every thing he laid his hands on.  While shopping at the Wrangler store he found a white onesie that said "Red, White & Moo" with a picture of a cow.  He decided he would purchase that onesie in a size 6 months and Hudson could wear it home from the hospital. Umm...ok dad:) So, I was thrilled when that cute little onesie fit baby girl at just the right time of year.

Hudson is teething right now and has been incredibly fussy.  I would be a basketcase without my Moby Wrap right now. Wearing her has been the only thing that has gotten her to fall asleep for a nap in the last 5 days.  As you mama's know, nap time is precious time that we are able to get things done.  So, imagine how my house looks right now!


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Monday, June 30, 2014

Weekending Link up

After a hectic week last week I am back at it and linking up for Weekending!

My weekend began on Thursday celebrating Jady's 8th birthday!  Lots of swimming, fireworks, food, and fun!

Friday was my favorite part of the weekend.  My sister quit her job and moved home!  Last August she made the decision to move 2 1/2 hours away from us.  I hated it and cried multiple times the day she moved.  She wasn't around as much as she would have liked to be for the first 5 months of Hudson's life but she is back now!  So naturally we played baby dress up all day!

I can't wait to get back into a good sister routine like we have always had.

Saturday Aaron and I took Jadyn shopping for her birthday.  After an unsuccessful trip to Toys R Us and hitting just about every store in the mall, that kid walked away with only a bag of candy from the candy store and 5 mini hand sanitizers from Bath & Body Works.  She is always so careful about spending her own money.  She will be traveling to Alabama with Aaron and his dad and grandma next week so she is excited to have more money to spend on the trip.  We also tried out the new Hibachi restaurant we have been wishing for in our town. It was fabulous.

Yesterday was spent cleaning our house and going to a cookout.  It has been such a busy weekend that I am thankful for the calmness that a weekly routine brings me.