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Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Baby Shower Time!

My baby shower was Sunday.  My mom and I may be the worst ever at getting invitations to events out to people in a timely manner.  The last of the invites were mailed on Thursday.  I won't even mention that the first set of invites were only mailed on Monday.  Seriously, who gives people less than one weeks notice for things like this?? 

I am not one for big over the top things.  I prefer to be low key and keep people out of my business.  So, the fact that my mom and aunts, Aaron's mom and aunt, sprinkled with a few other important people were the extent of my shower, made me very happy and took away the anxiety of having to make small talk with people I don't know. 

I have taken care of a LOT of babies in my nannying days so I am not clueless when it comes to babies and the things they need and how to care for them but when it comes to registering for necessary items your own baby needs, where do you even start?  We have a crib, we have a changing table, we have about 5 strollers (don't even ask), car seat: check, bedding, tons of clothes, more shoes than any human being could ever need.  So what is left?  Diapers and wipes obviously, but what else?  I had no clue what to tell these people I needed! 

Now that it is said and done I have a ridiculous list in my head of things I need to go buy to prepare for this child.  Where was this list weeks ago???  What are some things you guys couldn't have lived without when you had your babies? 

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