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Saturday, December 28, 2013

Worth every penny!

Little J wanted an iPad mini or an iPod touch for Christmas.  Her reasoning was simple, she wanted to be able to text us and facetime us.  I had no idea the entertainment this would bring me.

Aaron and I went back on forth on whether or not we wanted to get her started on technology already. 

She really wanted a phone but there is no way this 7 year old is getting one! So she had a genius idea a few weeks before Christmas.  We were driving down the road and she starts telling me her plan.  "Ok, either you guys or Santa can bring me an iPad mini or an iPod touch for Christmas.  But I don't want one of those things that plays music."  Umm...ok.  "We can download those apps to text and facetime and you guys can buy me a phone number." just described a phone to me and that is not happening.  I explained to her how a cell phone works and how the iPad/iPod situation would work.  She looked at me like I was nuts.

Fast forward to last night.  She clearly got an iPad mini for Christmas which means she has been texting and facetiming her family members as much as possible.  I was about to leave work yesterday and I knew she was home with her dad so I sent her a text asking what she wanted for dinner.  Who knew that I would get this much entertainment from this!  I have decided that was money well spent.  Its obvious this kid is just like me.  She covers about 5 different topics in each text and keeps up with each one like a pro.  I take full responsibility and realize I am creating a monster.
What 7 year old informs you that they made a "typo?"  She has been saying "Ugh" after everything when she talks lately, only pronouncing it "Ug."  I have corrected her repeatedly but the madness never ends.  Apparently she is spelling it the way she says it now.

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