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Sunday, January 13, 2013

No wonder she kicked me out...

Clearly, I suck at keeping up with a blog. I've been busy, what do you expect?

First things first, my wedding dress is purchased and has been since day 6 of being engaged.  What can I say?  I get shit done quick.

Second, Justin Bieber, you have lost a Belieber.  Come on, an hour and a half to get yourself together and get on stage?  I don't think so. Also, keep your clothes on and stop with your sexual innuendos directed towards your fans who happen to be babies.

Third, I probably shouldn't be trusted as much as Sugar Bear trusts me to help in the development of Little J. Sugar went to play work last night so Little J and I were left to fend for ourselves until this morning. We were watching Gossip Girl (Ok. Ok. probs not the most age appropriate show for a 6 year old but I have watched as much Jessie and Good Luck Charlie as my sanity can handle at this point) and Blair was discussing her prenup.  The conversation that followed went something like this:

LJ: What's a pre-nip?
G: A PRENUP is like when a man has lots of money and the woman he is going to marry doesn't so he makes her sign a piece of paper saying if they every get divorced or break up she can't take his money.

Little J looks at me, nods her head like she totally understands and responds with:

"Oh like you and daddy. You guys should have a prenup cause he's rich."

I could not control my laughter.  I already struggle anytime she opens her mouth because that kid is full of hilariousness. But I had to call Sugar Bear immediately and share the hilarity.

I would love to tell you that I will commit to blogging daily but I can't do that.  As you know by now, I'm flakey as hell when it come to blogging.  BUT it is likely S will nag me repeatedly every day and I'll get around to it more often.



  1. Congrats on getting your dress! I got mine super speedy fast, too. I just couldn't wait!

  2. Thank you! Now if this whole wedding could just happen already that would be great!
