I can honestly say that every single time I have had a bad day or been in a bad mood, if I really think about it, it was because I made a choice when I woke up that morning to BE in a bad mood or to let the negative things affect me in a negative way rather than letting them go.
"I'm having a bad day." "I'm just in a bad mood and I don't know why." "Today sucks." Those comments no longer hold any value with me. All of those things are only true because I let them be and I decided they would be.
The same can be said for working out and not being in the shape you want to be in. There are many days where I say I don't have time to work out or that I'm too tired. Maybe I ate a bunch of stuff that wasn't great for me and my excuse is that I really wanted it or that I couldn't stop craving it. That is all a choice too. I haven't been super strict with myself since I became pregnant so I forgot what it was like to MAKE time for workouts (big or small) and to MAKE the decision to not eat the chocolate bar or the ice cream. The last week or so I am finally getting back to getting things on track.
So after that random spiel I just had:
In order for her to sleep she had to be attached to me, eating/comforting herself. Which meant little sleep for me.
Finally falling into a good sleep at 7am meant I slept in way too long and woke up at 10am.
And the biggest issue....
I am out of coffee.
Now, excuse me while I go choose to have a good day and choose happiness.
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