I'm sure if you have read any of my previous blogs you would know that I am an Saba/ACE distributor. I lost 20 pounds last year before my wedding by taking ACE. Shortly after that I found out I was pregnant and could not longer take it. It has been a LONG 13 months without it. Since I am still breastfeeding I am still not taking it.
I have always been anti-diet pills and all that stuff but after literally running 60-80 miles per week for 7 months and only losing 10lbs I decided I would give ACE a try. After all, all the research I did showed me it wasn't a typical "diet pill." Its a natural weight loss and energy supplement and my doctor immediately okayed it. I have never been overweight or even close to it so the fact that my doctor looked at it and said "go for it" then asked if I could get her a sample made me jump on it!
Here is my before/after photo from last year:
Once I gave birth I decided I would try the new pre & post workout supplements the company had to offer. Now keep in mind the workouts I have been doing since Hudson was born are very light and I don't do them as often as I would like. I used to do really long runs but now my workouts usually consist of running for about 30 minutes, going for a long walk with Jadyn and Hudson, light hand weights when I get a chance (not often), and honestly, cleaning my house quickly and thoroughly.
Pre-Training Formula & Muscle Recovery Formula:
Protein powder is on its way but not released yet.
The photos below were taken 1 week after my baby was born and the other was taken last week.
If you are interested in trying it or would like to check out any of the other products, contact me. I have free samples for most of the products. Email me @ ACEwithLayne@gmail.com or visit my website www.sabaforlife.com/laynemoody
Girlfriend, you look amazing!! There is seriously no way you have an infant...!! xo
ReplyDeleteThank you!:)